It all started during February as we were welcoming our new car, but the day was very long and waiting period was stuck somewhere, in between the formalities and paper work. During that time a thought occurred in my mind to visit the near-by market and explore more about Jaipur (The city of Jewels). I just took some time out, while my husband was happily engaged in the paper work.

I had always been a solo wanderer. So, I decided to walk till the market, it is always helpful to observe things closely. The pathway was filled with snack and fruit vendors and trust me Kachoris and Mirchi-Vada were very tempting, but I decided to focus on the market.
The real market lies in the heart of the city and you need to cross all random people and vehicles to explore more, more and more. As we all know, afternoon walks are not blessing, unless I happened to be in the middle of the pearls, natural stones and sunaars all around.

Wow, that's amazing! How did I miss this in Jaipur? A thought occurred in my mind and got stuck with the view. Soon my phone rang, realized that I had already spent two-three hours in the market and had to step back for car delivery. That night I couldn't get over with the thought of Gems, instead of our new car.
Next day, I decided to go and visit the same market to get some orientation towards it. That time I didn't realize that it’s coming from within. Got into impulsive buying and bought few random natural stones and pearls the same day. The same night was spent in designing out of those first buy and very next morning surprised my better half with the inaugrative designs.
To my surprise, I was all into it. Next few days were all stretched into new creation & designing. Observing my dedication into it, he appreciated my effort and we decided to take it to next level of entrepreneurship.
And Oriki happened! That was the beginning of hard-work, challenges and dedication. Let’s continue it in my next blog. Stay Tuned…………